Digital factory excellence

Optimize your supply-chain operations for maximum efficiency

What is Visum

Digital factory platform 4.0

Visum is a world leading analytics manufacturing platform. The platform utilizes machine learning to identify the primary causes of production inefficiencies and transforms real-time improvement recommendations into actionable team initiatives in a simple easy to use manner. The initiatives can be actioned by your team on a daily basis with the resulting impact of these actions automatically quantified and monitored – this closes the loop in driving a purposeful performance based culture in your operations.

Get your team digitally equip for the era of agile demand pull

Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics
Embedding machine learning to give you deeper insights.
Action-Based Recommendations
No more analysis paralysis, Visum is about getting the factory team moving for factory improvement
Good Actions generate savings
Driving a high-performance culture through transparent performance tracking.


Ensuring they can model the supply chain and capture the required data to have visibility of their operations

Experience the power of Visum by end-to-end modeling of your supply-chain data

Recommended production improvements by SKU

Predict production results & manage in-week adjustments to achieve better results.


Operational teams on-site use our multi-dimensional OEE loss breakdown, performance prediction, improvement initiatives and reporting to understand how to better drive efficiency and monitor progress. This has resulted in a world leading FMCG manufacturer achieving an overall factory OEE improvement of 12% in just 6 weeks of their team using Visum.
Management and operational teams have full end-to-end visibility on production progress and effectiveness of various sites. Our clients have unlocked a 1 hour reduction time in their daily operational meetings and a 60% reduction in time spent collating reports and information.

Converting data into actions


+27 82 425 4595